Parent Teacher Association

    The Co-opration and god will of parents are most essen-tial components of salubrious parent teacher relationship. The school needs the involvement of parents in all kinds of its activities that are aimed at providing excellent educational opportunity for the pupils and also in identifying their talents and skills.

    Parents and guardians are requested to co-oprate with the school in the observance of all rules and regulation laid down by the school authorities and those announced as and when they are required. Parents are request to keep in touch with the head of the institution and teachers regarding the progress, attendance and conduct of their children.

    To The Parents

    Your child is an important prerson to our school. your maximum co-operation is essential for bring out the best in the child.

    (1).Parents are requested to sign the progress reports, Answer Papers, Teacher's Remarks in the school diary and return with in the prescribed time.
    (2). Parents are not allowed to visit their wards or teachers in the class rooms during the school hours.
    (3). Papers are requested to contect the principal or manager in case they need an appointment with the teachers.
    (4). The participation of parents/guardians in seminars conducted by the P.T.A. and all class-wise parents meeting and the school annual day is compulsory.
    (5). Students who are weak in studies or in any subjects are given special coaching by the concerned teachers Parents may contact the teachers periodically to assess their progress in studies.
    (6). Parents are requested to keeps the fee receipts till the end of the academic year.
    (7). To the best interest of their children, parents are requested to respond readily when they are asked to call on the manager or principal.
    (8). Parents are expected to show due respect to the school authorities and teachers.
    (9). Academic memo is issued tothe parents to meet the principal/teachers for mutual understanding and accompaniment.
    (10). Parents may meet the teachers on all second and fourth saturday the month after(2:00 noon)